[The Lesson]


I’m really considering what to do with my growing knowledge about this instrument. At first I started learning it just for fun and I didn’t really think much about it. But it’s become something that I’m really passionate about, and I want to learn as much as I can about it and other traditional instruments. But there comes a point where it’s just not feasible for me to put more energy into it if I have too many other things going on. For example, this week I really had to squeeze in my practice times because I was busy with other stuff. Some of the recordings were made on different days because I didn’t have time to sit down and finish a full practice session. But also, it’s like, if I don’t really have a long term goal that will actually impact my life with this instrument, why put in so much time? I plan to study this instrument until I’m able to pass level 10 with distinction. But what comes after that? That’s what I’m starting to think about now. My dream would be to be able to perform around the world as a soloist. But, I don’t know if that’s feasible.  Even if it isn’t, in order to at least have a chance at that, I need to work harder and put more effort into my study of the instrument. Anyways, my rant is over. This week we learned a new section of the intonation etude.


Grade 3 Scale Etude, 小花鼓 (Xiao Hua Gu), 我是草原小骑手 (Wo Shi Caoyuan Xiao Qishou), Intonation Etude in B flat

[The Practice]

[Practice Breakdown]

Warm Up

Vibrato Practice @120BPM

Long Bow

B flat Major Scale with Drone

B Flat 上把位音准校正练习

Play through the new section

Measure 26-30: Focus on intonation. In this section it’s imperative that the fingered notes are in tune with the open string variants of the same note.

Measure 29-30

Measure 11: This measure was difficult because of the hand stretch. But, I think I’ve got the hang of it now. I just want to focus on intonation.

Measure 6, 8: Intonation between notes played in different position must match.

Measure 9-10: Focus on intonation.

Measure 12, 15: Make sure you’re playing the rhythm correctly.

Play through the section learned last week. 

小花鼓 (Xiao Hua Gu)

Play through the song: Make sure the slides are all crisp and clearly articulated. Release the string when playing the slides that end in an open string. In measure 34, make sure that the eighth note rest is actually taken. There should be a slight szforzando, but it should be very soft.


Play through the song.

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